The SignMe system saves time and effort, as the system can recognize the visitor’s data printed on the identity card / passport / … and save it inside the databases in text format in a time not exceeding 5 seconds in addition save soft-copy of it. The system compares at the same time whether the person’s data is saved in one of the blacklist and if the person has access to the visit place. Also, at the same time, the system takes a picture of the visitor face and saves it in the system database. This is done in few seconds and a group of visitors can also be registered with one click. This makes SignMe more than any other traditional system in addition to the many unique features that SignMe offers (please see the features section above and below).
The SignMe system designed by Golden Developer company and the first version was launched in 2009, then consecutively 40 releases were launched. The system works successfully in many government and private agencies in different countries. The SignMe system includes multiple technologies such as OCR for letter and number recognition, LPR for license plate numbers and facial recognition, as well as the fully integration with Access Control and Surveillance Cameras.